[Upcoming Concert] E.SO Live House World Tour Concert - 瘦子E.SO「无人机」2023 Live House 巡回演唱会

[Upcoming Concert] E.SO Live House World Tour Concert - 瘦子E.SO「无人机」2023 Live House 巡回演唱会

Taiwanese Rapper E.SO Announces His First Malaysian Concert on November 21st at Zepp KL!

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – Taiwanese rapper E.SO, also known as 瘦子 (Shouzi), is set to enthral Malaysian fans with his electrifying Live House World Tour. Fans and music fans can expect an evening of high-energy music extravaganza as hitmaker E.SO takes the stage with his chart-topping hits and unparalleled talent. This much-anticipated concert also marks the rapper's first performance in Malaysia.

E.SO Live House World Tour, organised by Star Planet and co-organized by Live Nation, is scheduled for 21st November 2023 at 8:30pm at Zepp Kuala Lumpur. Tickets will go on sale officially on 12th October 2023 at 2 p.m

E.SO's journey into the world of hip-hop began during his adolescence. He made his debut in 2008 as a member of the hip-hop trio 顽童MJ116, which was known for their distinct blend of American hip-hop music and captivating rap flow. Their incredible musical creations, including chart-toppers like "Fresh Gang," "Bad Neighbour," and "Super Duper," not only received widespread acclaim but also broke viewership records across multiple music platforms.

The trio's musical career progressed further with the release of albums such as "Fly Out" and "BIG THING," both of which received enthusiastic praise from their ever-growing fan base. Their success grew beyond their home country, as they embarked on a world tour that took them across Asia, Europe, and the United States, cementing their status as international hip-hop sensations.

In 2019, the members of 顽童MJ116 decided to pursue solo careers while keeping the group alive. E.SO took a significant step forward in his solo career in 2020 when he released his debut solo album, "Outta Body (灵魂出窍)" .The album received widespread praise, and E.SO's popularity skyrocketed, cementing his position as a rising star in the music industry. " Outta Body (灵魂出窍)” received additional recognition when it was nominated in three categories at the 2020 Golden Melody Awards: Best Lyrics, Best Song of the Year, and Best Male Singer, reaffirming E.SO's talent and significant impact on the music scene.

E.SO and his producers embarked on a one-of-a-kind journey in 2021. Surrounded by unspoiled natural beauty, he sought inspiration from the wild and delved into the Earth's deep history. During this period of creative exploration, his second cosmic-themed album, "EARTHBOUND," was born. This venture was a significant milestone, as sales of the "EARTHBOUND" album skyrocketed, confirming E.SO's prominent position in the music industry.

E.SO distinguishes himself from his peers through his distinct musical style, which combines various genres to create something entirely original.  His music is a fusion of Hip-Hop, R&B, and Pop, providing listeners with a unique and innovative experience. His deft wordplay and inventive lyricism set him apart from his contemporaries.

Don't miss the upcoming E.SO Live House World Tour Concert on 21st November 2023 at 8:30pm at ZEPP KL. Ticket prices start at RM338. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable musical experience! For more information, please visit www.starplanet.com.my

E.SO Live House World Tour Concert - 瘦子E.SO「无人机」2023 Live House 巡回演唱会

饶舌歌手瘦子(英文昵称E.SO)宣布,他备受期待的「无人机」2023 Live House巡回演唱会即将登陆吉隆坡!这场音乐派对由Star Planet星艺娱乐主办,Live Nation协办,预计将在11月21日晚上8点30分,在ZEPP Kuala Lumpur举行。门票将于10月12日下午2点正式全面开售!

瘦子E.SO的本名是陈昱榕,他从12岁就开始接触Hip Hop音乐,并于2008年以嘻哈饶舌团体「顽童MJ116」的一员出道。该团体的美式嘻哈音乐风格和强调节奏的饶舌Flow在当时非主流的Hip Hop圈中引起了热烈讨论。他的单曲《Fresh Gang》、《坏邻居》和《Super Duper》等歌曲在各音乐平台上都刷新了高点阅率纪录。随后,他发布了专辑《Fly Out》和《干大事BIG THING》,广受好评,并在两岸三地乐迷中赢得高度赞誉。他还举行了世界巡回演唱会,跨足亚洲、欧洲和美国,赢得了全球乐迷的热烈喜爱。

2019年,「顽童MJ116」宣布单飞但不解散后,瘦子E.SO于2020年发布了他个人的首张专辑《灵魂出窍Outta Body》,口碑和销售都非常出色,他的人气急升,成为多个品牌的代言人。他的这张专辑入围了2020年金曲奖的最佳作词、最佳年度歌曲和最佳男歌手奖项。2021年,他准备挑战连续三场台北小巨蛋个人演唱会,带着《Outtabody灵魂出窍》的音乐想法,特地与制作人一同前往东部民宿,在大自然的原始环境中汲取最野性的灵感,再仰望星星,深思地穿越地球的过去和现在,于是发布了他的第二张宇宙概念专辑《EARTHBOUND》,同时创下首次发布有声书的纪录,专辑口碑和销量都有了巨大的增长。

在「顽童MJ116」出道的十五年中,瘦子E.SO不断在创作中提炼自己的思想。不论你认识的是《Just Believe》中那个因梦想而伟大的他,还是《脱罪》中那位深思熟虑的成熟内敛的青年,或是《地痞》中诉说始终如一态度坚定的瘦子E.SO,你都能感受到他对社会的不断观察,对生命的不断反思,对自我的不断探索。

「无人机」2023 Live House巡回演唱会是瘦子E.SO近年来最令人期待的巡回演出之一,也将是他首次以个人形式登上吉隆坡舞台,举办个人首次在马来西亚的演唱会。他将在这场演出中展现令人叹为观止的音乐才华和震撼人心的舞台演出。瘦子E.SO表示,无人机就像是先遣部队,让他的音乐和表演能够被更多人看见和听到,因此他将演唱会命名为『无人机』,虽然规模较小,但表演绝对不会缩水,一定会为观众呈现最棒的演出。

瘦子E.SO的「无人机」2023 Live House巡回演唱会门票价格从马币338起,更多相关详情请游览www.starplanet.com.my

Keywords: #ESOLiveHouseWorldTour #瘦子ESO无人机演唱会 #TaiwaneseRapper #WLJack #WLJackcom ##瘦子 #ESO #瘦子ESO

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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