[Concert Coverage] Eric Chou 周興哲 《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert in Kuala Lumpur 2023

[Concert Coverage]  Eric Chou 周興哲 《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert in Kuala Lumpur 2023

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 - Eric Chou 周興哲 (Eric), the "Asian King of Music Creation 亞洲創作天王" completed his three-day 《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert in Kuala Lumpur on the evening of 4th June 2023. Eric hadn't performed in Malaysia in five years due to the pandemic, and he missed his Malaysian fans terribly. The overwhelming support from local fans resulted in the immediate sell-out of two shows in Kuala Lumpur, and an additional show was also quickly sold out! Eric Chou arrived in Malaysia several days before the concert, especially to express his gratitude to the Odyssey Journey Kuala Lumpur ticket holders. On 30th May 2023, he held a free meet-and-greet event that drew nearly 5,000 fans. Eric Chou took song requests at the event, interacted with everyone enthusiastically, and even ended up singing the equivalent of an additional half-concert. This demonstrates Eric's enthusiasm for returning to Malaysia after such a long absence!

Furthermore, Eric Chou's Odyssey Journey Tour concert in Kuala Lumpur was filled with excitement and emotion. Not only was the stage design and special effects significantly improved, but his management company 星空飛騰 also added a special surprise - a limited edition four-sided mini stage was set up at the Kuala Lumpur venue. This caught the fans sitting directly across from the main stage completely off guard. When Eric performed "You Don't Belong to Me 《你不屬於我》" the entire 10,000-person crowd sang along from start to finish, deeply touching Eric. "I'm addicted to the feeling of this four-sided stage!" he told the audience. He also joked, "I just love the feeling of being surrounded by you all!" The fans were overjoyed, erupting in a deafening scream that shook the entire venue! Eric was considerate of fans in every corner and decided to go a step further, interacting with fans on the third floor at close quarters, at this moment, the four-sided mini stage elevated to the third-floor viewing area. After finishing the song "《愛我的時候》When You Loved Me," the audience was so excited that Eric, overcome with emotion, picked up his phone and began playing a screaming game with the audience, screamed wherever he pointed his camera. He stated that he would share this emotional video on Instagram. The cheers of the fans filled the Axiata arena as soon as he started filming, almost blowing the roof off!

There was originally a segment at the beginning of Eric Chou's 周興哲《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》 concert where Eric would take off his shirt to reveal his youthful physique. However, when the tour came to Malaysia, he was unable to participate due to local restrictions. Surprisingly, after Eric played and sang a song on his guitar, the audience began chanting for him to remove his shirt. The roar of the crowd chanting "take it off!" was overwhelming.

Eric, on the other hand, urged his fans to be good, saying, "Be good! We must abide by the rules." He also "revealed a secret," stating that while he couldn't go shirtless in Malaysia, the company had prepared deep V-neck shirts for him to wear at the Kuala Lumpur stop. "Isn't that a sincere gesture?" he asked the audience. The audience reacted with a resounding "Yes!"

However, the fans continued to chant for him to open his shirt more. "I was just singing so romantically," Eric said shyly, "and all you guys want is for me to take my clothes off." Despite this, he complied with their requests and slightly opened his shirt, eliciting loud cheers from the audience and fans yelling, "More, more!"

"Then, everyone, please come to Singapore at the end of the year!"  A male fan even exclaimed, "Husband!" causing the entire venue to burst out laughing. The energy level was extremely high!

Furthermore, Eric Chou thanked his fans for enthusiastically singing along and turning his concert into a massive KTV session. He mentioned having his own private song list when he goes karaoke with friends. When he asked the audience whose songs they usually sing at karaoke, someone immediately said, "Yours!" This delighted Eric!

Following that, he revealed his personal karaoke playlist, promising to sing one song from it every day. On Day 1, he performed "擱淺" by Jay Chou. On Day 2, he performed "連名帶姓" a song written for Taiwanese singer A-Mei by his idol Jay Chou. On Day 3, he chose "她來聽我的演唱會" by Jacky Cheung. Fans who were deeply immersed in Eric Chou's soulful voice praised each performance highly.

Last year, Eric Chou's 《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert tour began in Singapore and progressed from the Taipei to five shows in North America, from Hong Kong's Coliseum to Australia. This "Eric Love Song Universe" adventure has been steadily expanding and growing, culminating in Malaysia with even more upgrades and surprises. As Eric brings Chinese music to the global stage, this evolving and dynamic tour has evolved into a grand production that meets international standards.

Furthermore, in the hearts of Eric Chou's global fans, his concert has become a warm, explosive, surprise-filled, joyous event. Watching Eric Chou's 《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert is both therapeutic and romantic, resulting in a positive market cycle. When fans learn about Eric Chou's concert, they rush to get tickets and attend, often attending multiple shows or travelling to other cities to do so. This has resulted in an impressive and sensational pop culture phenomenon!

[演唱會報導] Eric Chou 周興哲《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》吉隆坡站


此外,在周興哲的《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》吉隆坡站,興奮和感動盡現。舞美、機關大幅提升,且他的經紀公司「星空飛騰」特別在大馬站設立了限定版四面台小舞台,給坐在主舞台正對面的小興星帶來了驚喜。當Eric演唱《你不屬於我》的時候,全場1萬名小興星全程大聲唱和,讓Eric極度感動。他對在場的小興星說:「我愛上了這四面台的感覺!」並嬌嗔地說:「我喜歡被你們包圍的感覺!」這讓小興星們狂喜,尖叫聲響遍全場,場館為之震動。此時,四面小舞台升至三樓看台部分,原來周興哲考慮到每個角落的粉絲,特別增加的互動環節,以與三樓看台的小興星進行近距離互動。在演唱完《愛我的時候》後,全場歡聲雷動,周興哲情緒高漲,甚至拿起手機,與全場玩起了拍到哪裡哪裡就尖叫的遊戲,並宣布將將這個感動的視頻發到Instagram。當他開始拍攝時,全場小興星的歡呼聲瞬間充滿了Axiata arena會場,幾乎讓屋頂都被掀翻!

在周興哲的《Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》開始之際,本來有一個環節是Eric瞬間脫掉上衣,展示他年輕有力的身體。然而,當他來到馬來西亞時,由於當地的限制,這個環節無法進行。令人驚訝的是,在Eric自彈自唱吉他後,全場的粉絲開始瘋狂呼喚他脫衣,大喊「脫!」的聲浪如同海嘯一般湧來。然而,Eric呼籲他的粉絲要表現得乖乖的,說「要乖!要遵守規定。」他也「透露秘密」,雖然當地不允許他裸身,但公司為吉隆坡站準備的衣服都是大深V。他問全場粉絲:「這樣是不是很有誠意?」全場的粉絲響應道:「有~!」 然而,大家仍然呼喚他再進一步打開衣服,這讓Eric羞澀地笑說:「我剛剛唱的那麼浪漫,你們卻只是想讓我脫衣服。」儘管如此,他還是順應粉絲的要求,稍微拉開了一點衣服,這又引起全場的尖叫,大家紛紛要求:「還要~還要~」





Setlist for Eric Chou 周興哲 Odyssey旅程巡迴演唱會》concert in Kuala Lumpur 2023

1. That’s all


3. Nobody But Me

4. 想知道你在想什么

5. 怎么了

6. I see you Everywhere

7. 相信爱

8. 永不失联的爱

9. 其实你并没有那么孤独

10. 受够

11. 以后别做朋友

12. 挚友

13. 搁浅

14.Room For You

15. Something About LA



18 爱我的时候


20. That’s Why I Like You

21. Let it Go

22. 我很快乐

23. 最后一堂课

24. 点歌环节:一样美丽,刻在我心底的名字,乌梅子酱,生日歌

24. 如果雨之后

Keywords: #EricChouOdysseyJourneyWorldTourMalaysia #EricChou #OdysseyJourneyWorldTourMalaysia #周兴哲 #小兴星


Photo by: 飛凡娱乐有限公司

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Published by WLJack. 

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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