[Concert Coverage] RONALD CHENG 《Fragments of Wonder 鄭中基世界巡回演唱會 – 馬來西亞站》
Kuala Lumpur, 2024 - RONALD CHENG 《Fragments of Wonder 鄭中基世界巡回演唱會 – 馬來西亞站》concluded successfully! The concert kicked off with stunning laser lights and a lively band, igniting the atmosphere. Ronald Cheng slowly walked to the center of the stage and began with the song 《搬屋》. He then performed two classic songs, 《別愛我》and《絕口不提愛你》.The combination of screen effects, a guitar, and Ronald's heartfelt singing created a full atmosphere. He then chatted warmly with fans, expressing how much he missed Malaysian fans, and humorously took off his jacket, saying the first surprise for fans was that there would be no encore tonight, causing a stir in the crowd.
After performing 《天意》, Ronald Cheng brought out a ukulele and, accompanied by a colorful stage design, sang "Somewhere Over The Rainbow," creating a very warm atmosphere. He shared with the fans that this was specially prepared for them, instantly moving the audience. Next, Ronald picked up an electric guitar and performed 《晴天陰天雨天》making the fans feel very pampered.
In addition to classic hits, Ronald Cheng introduced a new song, 《答案》and playfully asked the audience to light up their phones, turning the venue into a sea of romantic lights. He then performed another classic, 《愛是最大權利》. The familiar melody and his heartfelt singing brought fans into a nostalgic mood. Ronald changed into denim attire and performed another classic, 《閉目入神》which immediately sparked a wave of excitement. Additionally, he sang 《戒情人》,with poignant background and lighting design, and Ronald's emotional singing, making everyone feel deeply moved.
This concert, Ronald Cheng specially brought his original song 《許願樹》for the fans. With two electric guitars, a bass, and a lighthearted rhythm, the atmosphere instantly relaxed. Additionally, he led the highly anticipated sing-along of the classic hit 《無賴》pushing the atmosphere to its peak.
After the intermission, Ronald Cheng returned to the stage, bringing the energetic 《龍咁威》and interacted with the audience, pushing the atmosphere to its peak. After the performance, he thanked the fans for their continuous support. He then performed familiar songs like 《你的眼睛背叛我的心》and《星光伴我心》. Among them, 《相思無用》used screen effects and animations to skillfully express loneliness, paired with Ronald's heartfelt singing, deeply resonating with the audience. Finally, he called on the audience for a sing-along.
Ronald Cheng's Malaysia tour concert came to an end, with the penultimate song 《人若然忘記了愛》 igniting fireworks, pushing the atmosphere to its peak once more, making the audience realize the concert was nearing its end. He then closed the concert with the cheerful "My Only One," with confetti raining down. Just when everyone thought the concert was over, Ronald unexpectedly returned to the stage, expressing his reluctance to part with the fans, knowing they felt the same. This moment moved and excited the audience, who rushed to the front of the stage to interact closely with their idol.
鄭中基世界巡回演唱會 2024 - 馬來西亞站 圓滿落幕!
演唱會一開始,就用震撼的激光燈光和樂隊熱起現場氣氛。鄭中基緩步走向舞台中央,以一首《搬屋》拉開序幕。接著,鄭中基連唱兩首經典曲《別愛我》和《絕口不提愛你》。老黃的螢幕特效,一把吉他,配上鄭中基真摯的演唱,讓現場氛圍感十足。之後,鄭中基親切地與粉絲聊天,表示非常想念馬來西亞的粉絲,隨後還脫下外套,風趣地說今晚將沒有 Encore,點燃了全場熱情。
在演唱《天意》後,鄭中基拿出烏克麗麗,配合五彩繽紛的舞台設計,演唱了《Somewhere Over The Rainbow》,場面十分溫馨。他向粉絲們分享,這是特別準備給大家的,瞬間讓台下感動滿滿。隨後鄭中基拿起電吉他,自彈自唱《晴天陰天雨天》,讓粉絲們感到非常寵溺。
鄭中基馬來西亞巡迴演唱會接近尾聲,倒數第二首歌《人若然忘記了愛》點燃了煙火,將現場氣氛再次推向高潮,也讓觀眾意識到演唱會接近尾聲。接著,鄭中基用一首輕快的《My Only One》為演唱會謝幕,現場彩帶紛飛。就在所有人以為演唱會結束時,鄭中基意外回到舞台,表示知道粉絲不捨,而他也非常捨不得大家。這瞬間讓觀眾既感動又激動,紛紛涌向台前,與偶像近距離互動。
Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #RonaldCheng #鄭中基 #RonaldChengConcert #鄭中基演唱會 #MalaysiaTour #馬來西亞巡演
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