[Press Conference] Upcoming “2024 Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant and TVB International Miss Chinese” 《第二届大马全能女神竞选与 TVB 国际中华小姐》

[Press Conference] Upcoming “2024 Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant and TVB International Miss Chinese” 《第二届大马全能女神竞选与 TVB 国际中华小姐》

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 – In response to the tremendous success of the previous year's Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant, which was held in collaboration with TVB Miss Chinese International, RS SIS Management declared that Fairy Park Heritage City will play host to the second finals competition on 22nd September 2024. At the press conference, Antony Law, the regional international head of marketing and sales for TVB Southeast Asia, also revealed that a film crew will be dispatched to shoot the finals and edit them into a TVB broadcast show.

A press conference for the "2024 Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant and TVB International Miss Chinese" was conducted recently at KL WELLNESS CITY, Bukit Jalil, by the organizer, RS SIS Management. During the press conference, Summer Lau, the founder of RS SIS Management and the Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant, declared that the competition is now accepting applications. Over eighty girls from all around Malaysia have signed up thus far.

"This year's competition theme is Alice in Wonderland; last year's theme was The Circus Theme." The intention is to inspire women to express their inner beauty and authenticity." She also disclosed that the participants will receive assistance with connecting activities following the tournament. The winner will automatically become the brand representative of the honorary presenting Presenter XMEGAMI, in addition to having the chance to participate in Hong Kong.

TVB International dispatched Antony Law, the regional international head of marketing and sales for TVB Southeast Asia, to the press conference as one of its strategic partners. When asked when the "Miss Chinese International Pageant" will take place this year, he responded that it has been postponed since Macau has too many events going on right now and it is hard to locate a suitable location. TVB has even thought about relocating the competition to Hong Kong, although all of this is still being planned. TVB will formally inform all parties right away upon final confirmation."

Additionally, Antony Law expressed his gratitude for the two founders' hard work and excitement as well as his delight in working with RS SIS Management. In addition, he pledged to offer additional assistance. For example, he would edit the finals from the previous year into a show and air it on TVB. This year, he will also send a film crew to shoot.

At the meeting, Summer Lau also inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with each of the partners, which included the founder of the Malaysian international brand XMEGAMI, Antony Law, who represented the "Miss Chinese International Pageant," Ms. SheueXin, who signed a second year as the pageant's presenter to continue promoting women entrepreneurship, Platinum Partner YooSnap Founder, Grand Finals Venue Sponsor Fairy Park Heritage City, and Makeup and Hair Styling Partner Rainb Ragazzo.

In addition, Summer Lau declared on the spot that the judges for the "2nd Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant and TVB Miss International Chinese Pagaent" would remain the same—Miss CosmoWorld Founder & Organizer Amber Chia, Miss Carrie Lee, and Datuk Wira Dr. Calvin Khiu, Founder of OE Academy—as they were the original three judges of the first Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant. The finals of both competitions will take place on 22nd September 2024 at Fairy Park Heritage City. In their official social media closure date for the grand final, she made a hint that TVB artists will be announced as pageant judges this year.

Furthermore, Annabel Chen, the 2023 TVB Miss International Chinese Pageant winner as well as the Goddess Of Nature Malaysia Pageant winner, was there to discuss her readiness to represent Malaysia in the TVB Miss Chinese International Grand Final.

If you are qualified to take part, you might want to register on the Goddess of Nature Malaysia 马来西亚全能女神竞选 Facebook page. 

2024 年 TVB 国际中华小姐暨大马全能女神竞选正式开跑

TVB 社媒将全程跟进赛事 总决赛更将拍成节目播放

2024年TVB国际中华小姐暨大马全能女神竞选已启动,TVB社交媒体将全程报道赛事,并将总决赛制作成电视节目播出。自去年大马全能女神竞选和TVB国际中华小姐的合作大获成功后,RS SIS Management宣布今年的总决赛将在9月22日举行。

RS SIS Management 兼马来西亚全能女神创办人 Summer 刘薇仪在发布会上宣布「今年的比赛主题是爱丽丝梦游仙境,目的是希望女士们能展现出内心的真诚美。」她还提到,比赛结束后将为参赛者提供更多接洽机会,冠军将有机会赴香港参赛,并成为XMEGAMI的品牌代言人。

TVB 东南亚地区国际业务部市场及营业主管罗世雄在新闻发布会上表示,将有专门摄影团队来拍摄并制作节目。 他也提到《国际中华小姐竞选》的举办时间还在调整中,由于澳门近期节目安排紧密,比赛可能会改在香港举行,具体细节尚在计划中。他赞扬了与RS SIS Management的合作。

刘薇仪也在会上与所有合作伙伴签署备忘录,包括《国际中华小姐竞选》代表 —TVB 东南亚地区国际业务部市场及营业主管罗世雄、 持续为今年荣誉呈现的大马互联网品牌 XMEGAMI 创办人雪欣、铂金级合作方 YooSnap 创办人、总决赛场地赞助商仙境古城代表和妆发造型合作方 Rainb Ragazzo。刘薇仪也现场公布,《第二届大马全能女神竞选与 TVB 国际中华小姐》总决赛将于 9 月 22 日,在巴生仙镜古城举行。届时的评审团除了有名模 Amber Chia(谢丽萍)、OE杰青商学院董事长邱芓訸博士和 XMEGAMI 创办人雪欣外,也预告会有一名大家非常熟悉的香港艺人助阵,敬请大家期待。

不仅如此,2023 年 TVB 国际中华小姐暨大马全能女神竞选冠军 Annabel 陈美洁也亲临现场。她除了呼吁本地女性报名参加,为自己遂梦外,也与大家分享了他即将代表马来西亚到澳门参加比赛的心情和事前准备功夫。如果你符合参选资格,不妨赶快到大马全能女神脸书专页报名,截止日期为 4 月

18 日,而线下面试活动将在 4 月 21 日举行。

Keywords: #TVBInternationalMissChinese #GoddessOfNatureMalaysia #TVB国际中华小姐 #大马全能女神竞选 #第二届大马全能女神竞选与 TVB 国际中华小姐 #TVBxGoddess

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Published by WLJack.

Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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