[Concert Coverage] MY Big Show《A.I.23》

[Concert Coverage] MY Big Show《A.I.23》

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – MY, the champion of Chinese radio stations in Malaysia, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a spectacular annual event called MY Big Show "A.I.23". This grand showcase took place on October 7th at 8 PM at the Mega Star Arena in Kuala Lumpur Sungei Wang Plaza, featuring 17 DJs from across the country and 11 groups of renowned international and local artists, delivering an extraordinary musical feast for MY's loyal listeners and fans.

Presented in collaboration with Wellous, MY Big Show "A.I.23" marks a triumphant return for MY Music Channel after 8 years. This event was produced by veteran radio announcer Jack Lim, who led the entire DJ team in delivering an outstanding musical performance. Simultaneously, 11 groups of artists and singers from both local and international scenes, including Gin Lee李幸倪 , Hubert Wu胡鸿钧, Zhang Zhehan张哲瀚, Shi Shi孙盛希, Joyce Chu朱主爱, Jeryl Lee李佩玲, Hooleeger黄礼格 , Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨, Accusefive告五人, 3P, and Firdhaus菲道尔 all graced the stage, offering a diverse and captivating musical experience to the audience.

These exceptional performers showcased various styles and unforgettable performances, immersing the audience in the magic of music. 3P, known for their energetic singing and dancing, electrified the audience with their performances of "我的妈呀" and "PA SANG ANTHEM." Jeryl Lee李佩玲who won the "舞台2023" championship, delivered her first large-scale public performance in Malaysia, leaving the audience in awe with her musical talent and stage charisma. Hooleeger黄礼brought vitality to the stage with his songs "11" and "Let Go 3.0," providing an exhilarating musical experience. Shi Shi孙盛希sang "跟你住" and "眼泪记得你" both of which are frequently played on the radio, allowing the audience to feel the emotional power of music through her voice. Joyce Chu朱主爱 presented a sweet medley of songs, including "好想你" , "莫名奇妙爱上你" and "Speeding Love." Hubert胡鸿钧 performed a series of famous TVB theme songs from Hong Kong, evoking nostalgia among the audience. Priscilla Abby蔡恩雨 amazed the audience with her performances of "蔡恩雨" and "I Love The Sky," leaving a lasting impression with her musical talent and stage presence. Zhang Zhehan张哲瀚sang a medley of songs, including "人生海海" , "马上就离开" and "曼陀罗" showcasing his musical prowess and versatility. Firdhaus菲道尔presented "阿拉斯加海湾" and collaborated with Dior大颖 on "在加纳共和国离婚", adding a special charm to the show with his unique musical style. Gin Lee李幸倪who had been developing her career in Hong Kong for many years, took the opportunity to perform in Malaysia during this celebration concert and sang "企好" and "后人类的美丽与哀愁". Lastly, Accusefive告五人closed the show with a trio of hit songs, including "爱人错过", "好不容易" and "披星戴月的想你" captivating the audience with their musical talent and stage charisma.

MY Big Show "A.I.23" was not only a musical extravaganza but also a grand fusion of music and stage art. On this evening, the audience not only enjoyed a colorful array of music but also immersed themselves in the brilliance of stage performances. This vibrant and colorful night will leave a profound mark in the memories of the audience.

If you couldn't attend MY Big Show "A.I.23" in person, you can watch it exclusively on Astro AEC (Channel 306) and Astro GO on October 22nd (Sunday) at 8:30 PM.

【演唱会报道】MY Big Show《A.I.23》

MY,全马中文电台的收听率冠军,庆祝迎来25周年,特别呈献了一场震撼绝伦的年度盛典——MY Big Show《A.I.23》。这场大秀于10月7日,晚8时,吉隆坡金河广场Mega Star Arena举行,汇聚了全台17位DJ和11组来自海内外的大牌明星歌手,为MY的忠实听众粉丝们奉献了一场精彩绝伦的音乐盛宴。

由Wellous联合呈献的MY Big Show《A.I.23》标志着MY音乐台8年来的强势回归。这次的大秀由元老级DJ林德荣担任制作人,他带领着全台DJ团队,为观众带来了一场精彩的音乐表演。而与此同时,11组海内外艺人歌手,包括李幸倪、胡鸿钧、张哲瀚、孙盛希、朱主爱、李佩玲、黄礼格、蔡恩雨、告五人、3P以及菲道尔,也纷纷登场助兴,为观众呈现了一个丰富多彩的音乐盛宴。


3P以他们唱跳为主的表演《我的妈呀》和《PA SANG ANTHEM》震撼全场。他们的舞台表现充满能量,让观众热血沸腾。李佩玲在收获《舞台2023》冠军后,回马的首个大型公开演出,她的音乐才华和舞台魅力令人赞叹。黄礼格的歌曲《11》和《Let Go 3.0》充满活力,为观众带来了令人振奋的音乐体验。孙盛希演唱了《跟你住》和《眼泪记得你》,这几首歌曲在电台经常播放,观众都能跟随着她的声音一同感受到音乐的情感。朱主爱以甜蜜的方式呈现了《好想你+ 莫名奇妙爱上你+ Speeding Love》。胡鸿钧表演了一系列香港TVB的著名主题曲,勾起了观众的怀旧情感。蔡恩雨的表演包括《蔡恩雨》和《I Love The Sky》,她的音乐才华和舞台魅力都令人印象深刻。张哲瀚演唱了《人生海海+马上就离开+曼陀罗》,他的音乐实力和多样性让观众欣赏不已。菲道尔呈献了《阿拉斯加海湾》,并与Dior大颖合唱了《在加纳共和国离婚》。他的独特音乐风格为大秀增添了一份特别的魅力。李幸倪在香港发展多年后,借此机会回马表演,演唱了《企好》和《后人类的美丽与哀愁》告五人成为了压轴演出的组合,表演了3首名曲,包括《爱人错过》、《好不容易》和《披星戴月的想你》。他们的音乐才华和舞台魅力令观众陷入狂热。

这场MY Big Show《A.I.23》不仅是音乐盛宴,也是一次音乐与舞台艺术的盛大交融。观众们在这个夜晚,不仅享受到了丰富多彩的音乐,还沉浸在舞台表演的精彩之中。这个绚丽多彩的夜晚,将会在观众的记忆中留下深刻的烙印。

如果您无法亲临现场观赏MY Big Show,《A.I.23》,您可以在10月22日(星期日)晚上8点30分通过Astro AEC(频道306)和Astro GO独家播出的方式观看。

Keywords: #MYBigShow #AI23 #GinLee #HubertWu #ZhangZhehan #ShiShi #JoyceChu #JerylLee #Hooleeger #PriscillaAbby #Accusefive #3P #Firdhaus

#MY大秀#马来西亚电台 #李幸倪 #胡鸿钧 #张哲瀚 #孙盛希 #朱主爱 #李佩玲 #黄礼格 #蔡恩雨 #告五人 #3P #菲道尔

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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