[Entertainment] 6th MIFFest : The Masterclass with Ryuichi Hiroki 第六届马来西亚国际电影节: 广木隆一大师班

 [Entertainment] 6th MIFFest : The Masterclass with Ryuichi Hiroki 

Ryuichi Hiroki, a veteran Japanese director and screenwriter, gave a masterclass about making a female-dominated film.

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – The Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) successfully organised the Masterclass with Ryuichi Hiroki on Tuesday, 25th July 2023, in Hall 2 in GSC MyTown. The theme was 'Telling Women's Stories: A Masterclass with Ryuichi Hiroki,' and it drew a large number of cinema aficionados, filmmakers, and audiences. 

Director Ryuichi Hiroki is well-known in the Japanese cinema industry as a director and screenwriter, as well as for his profound understanding into women's tales. This masterclass looked at how women's tales are portrayed and expressed in film, as well as how to empower and express female characters while also exploring their inner feelings.

The masterclass was conducted in Japanese with the presence of an English interpreter. Ryuichi Hiroki presented his creative expertise and a wealth of professional knowledge throughout the Masterclass, as well as interacted with the attendees, answered questions, and provided professional advise. He even used his sense of comedy to convey his artistic path.

Hiroki, on the other hand, stated that he made 5 films last year and that his stories differ from those of many other directors. In contrast to many other films that focused on the distinctions between men and women, he focuses on the bond between women. "Many films make distinctions between men and women, and I don't really pay attention to it," he added. But I'm more interested with the film's final visual forms and feelings."

During the masterclass workshop, Hiroki was asked why he enjoys telling women's experiences. He stated that he has enjoyed observing ladies since he was a child, observing their every move, way of thinking, and perspectives on many subjects. He enjoys telling stories through films based on his own views. 

In terms of his approach to the women, he mentioned that before shooting, he always asks them what they think of the story. When the story's idea and script are complete, he will let them to draw their own conclusions from the scripts. He also stated that he would not allow the actresses to prepare or practise continually prior to shooting since it would alter the actresses' initial feelings and impressions of the screenplay. Furthermore, he provided advice on how he discusses scenes with actresses. He will be as straightforward as possible in order for them to gain a more direct and in-depth comprehension of the story in order to discover their sensations and emotions.

In addition to his thoughts, Ryuichi Hiroki made several recommendations for emerging directors and filmmakers. According to him, if you want to start making a film, you need construct your own false universe, a real setting, do additional research, and think about how to deliver the tale you want to tell. He also stated that in order to improve your own films, you should see a wide range of genres and sorts of films. "I love watching films; I've learned a lot from them and apply it to my films," he says.

Director Hiroki also stated that there are numerous factors to consider both before and after filming. Also, consider whether the audience will be interested in the film after it is out, as well as their impressions and reactions after watching it. He has very high expectations for his flicks. Aside from the actresses' performances, he will place rigorous demands on himself to attain perfection. He joked that he is a terrible director, which elicited amusement from the audience.

Despite his expertise as a director in Japan, he stated that studying is crucial for him, for example, how to convey his emotions correctly in order to tell his fictional stories; only learning can make oneself better. He will watch more films and examine the world around him, whether it is the landscape he sees, people he meets, items he observes, even the wind he feels, songs he listens to, or his own thoughts at the time, all of which can be caught and used in his films.

This masterclass was really beneficial to the audience, and they are all looking forward to more similar activities from MIFFest in the next year. 

第六届马来西亚国际电影节: 广木隆一大师班

日本著名导演兼编剧广木隆一在第六届马来西亚国际电影节上举行了一场备受欢迎的大师班,主题为“Telling Women’s Stories: A Masterclass with Ryuichi Hiroki”。这场讲座在吉隆坡的GSC MyTown 第二展厅举行,吸引了众多对电影感兴趣的人们。









Keywords: #MIFFest #RyuichiHiroki #Masterclass #第六届马来西亚国际电影节 #广木隆一 #大师班

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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