[Concert Coverage] Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》马来西亚

[Concert Coverage] Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》马来西亚

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – The "God of Songs" Jacky Cheung, ignited Malaysia with his first show of  60+ Concert Tour yesterday, drawing over 9,000 enthusiastic spectators to the Axiata Arena Stadium. Fresh from his 11 consecutive solo concerts in Singapore, the 62-year-old musical legend expressed his heartfelt joy: "Speaking in Mandarin in Singapore might not be as splendid, but being able to use Cantonese in Malaysia makes me very happy!"

During the performance, he swiftly executed a daring split, prompting the entire audience to erupt in cheers. He then revealed a little secret: the outfit he had originally planned to wear for the evening faced a glitch. However, the staff swiftly arranged for a new costume to be flown in from Hong Kong, resolving the issue perfectly. This unexpected "human courier delivery" added a special touch to the entire concert.

Taking the stage punctually at 8 PM, Jacky Cheung presented a total of 26 classics and new tracks, including spirited upbeat songs. The concert's repertoire skillfully navigated between timeless classics and fresh compositions, leading the audience through a melodic journey. The opening track, "留住这时光 Keep This Moment” set the tone, resembling a musical time machine that transported everyone back to cherished memories. Following that, "Ooh La La" with its lively rhythm painted an airy musical canvas.

Melodies such as "马路英雄Road Heroes" "情不禁Can't Help" and "我应该I Should" intertwined emotions with music, creating a resonating atmosphere. Jacky Cheung revisited iconic hits like "等你等到我心痛 Wait Till My Heart Aches" and "分手总要在雨天Rainy Day Breakup" evoking waves of youthful reminiscences. His new song "又十年Another 10 Years" delved into poignant memories through its evocative melody and lyrics, complemented by touching visuals on the big screen, evoking profound resonance.

The concert showcased high-energy tracks such as "交叉算了Cross And Over" and "Double Trouble," painting vivid musical landscapes of joy and light-heartedness. 

Ballads like "爱是永恒 Love In Eternal" and "岁月留情 Time of Love" captured the passage of time and the treasures of love. The entire concert progressed through emotional interpretations, culminating with the last song "吻别Farewell Kiss," which soaked the audience in musical emotions. The concert concluded on a high note at 10:30 PM.

In addition, at the highly anticipated Jacky Cheung concert, a mesmerizing blend of artistic elements took center stage, leaving the audience in awe. The performance was a harmonious fusion of pop, orchestra, and ballet, creating a truly unique and captivating experience. The band, comprising an astounding 53 members, seamlessly integrated orchestra components into the concert. Adding to the enchantment, a troupe of skilled ballet dancers graced the stage with their exquisite movements. This is definitely a must watch concert for all! 

"Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" in Malaysia will continue over the next two weeks on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays (August 11-13, as well as August 18-20) at the Axiata Arena. The six spectacular shows have already sold out, but at the beginning of this month, an additional six "limited visibility zone" tickets were released, offering fans a final opportunity to witness this remarkable musical extravaganza in person.

Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》马来西亚

“歌神”张学友昨晚点燃了马来西亚的首场《张学友60+巡回演唱会》,吸引了超过9000名热情观众涌入亚通体育馆(Axiata Arena)观赏。近日在新加坡连开11场个唱的他发自内心地说:“在新加坡讲华语演唱真的沒有那么精采,但在马来西亚能够讲广东话令我感到非常开心!”


张学友在演唱会中准时于晚间8点登台,献上了共计26首经典与新作,其中不乏激情四溢的快歌。演唱会曲目精选经典与新作,将观众带入一个又一个音乐的时空隧道。《留住这时光》拉开序幕,如同音乐的时钟,将人们带回逝去的美好瞬间。紧接着的《Ooh La La》以其明快的节奏,勾勒出音乐的轻盈画卷。《马路英雄》、《情不禁》、《我应该》等旋律响起,将观众的情感与歌曲紧密交织。


演唱会中的《交叉算了》、《Double Trouble》等歌曲则以活力四溢的旋律,勾勒出轻松愉快的音乐画卷。而《爱是永恒》、《岁月留情》等歌曲,让观众感受到岁月的变迁和爱情的珍贵。整个演唱会在深情演绎中推进,直至最后的歌曲《吻别》将音乐的情感点滴浸润在每位观众的心间。整场演出在晚间10时30分圆满结束。


Here’s the setlist for Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Malaysia《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》马来西亚:

1. 留住这时光 Keep This Moment

2. Ooh La La

3. 马路英雄 Road Heroes

4. 情不禁 Can't Help

5. 我应该I Should

6. 等你等到我心痛 Wait Till My Heart Aches

7.深海 Deep Sea

8.三天两夜 3 Days 2 Nights

9. 交叉算了 Cross And Over

10. Double Trouble

11. 楼上来的声音 Sound From Upstairs

12. 没有童话时 No Fairy Tales

13. 日出时让街灯安睡 Sleep When Sunrise

14.又十年 Another 10 Years

15. Bumble Bee Music

16. 天气那么热So Hot

17. 想劈酒 Wild Drinking

18.刹那爱 Instant Love

19. 岁月留情 Time of Love

20.分手总要在雨天 Rainy Day Breakup

21.只想一生跟你走 Forever With You

22. 爱是永恒 Love In Eternal

23.过敏世界 Sensitive world

24. 蓝雨 Blue Rain

25. Encore

26. 李香兰




Keywords: #JackyCheung #60PlusConcertTour  #Jackycheung60plusconcerttour #MalaysiaTour #AxiataArena #张学友 #60+巡回演唱会  #张学友60+巡回演唱会 #马来西亚站 #亚通体育馆

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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