[Coverage] GINTELL S6 Plus 8-Hands Wellness Chair Product Launch Event with Simon Yam (GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅发布会与任达华粉丝见面会)

[Coverage]  GINTELL S6 Plus 8-Hands Wellness Chair Product Launch Event with Simon Yam (GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅发布会与任达华粉丝见面会)

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 - GINTELL, the largest healthcare retail chain in Southeast Asia and Malaysia, is celebrating another happy occasion with the official debut of their new Wellness Chair Series, which includes the GINTELL S6 Plus, 8-Hands Wellness Chair. The first in the market to have an 8-D Twin Rollers that massage the upper and lower back simultaneously, providing quick relief from body aches.

GINTELL also opened their 117th retail location, which also serves as their Signature Showroom, at Level 6, Lot 6.16.00. The opening ceremony began with eight lion dance performances, each representing blessings and wealth; a tradition kept by GINTELL since its inception. To commemorate the event, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, photography, and filming were held in the presence of GINTELL's brand ambassadors, GINTELL's management, and Pavilion KL's management.

Following the showroom's grand opening ceremony, attendees were directed to Level 2, Centre Court for the next event, which included the ambassador endorsement signing ceremony between Simon Yam, an international artiste, and GINTELL, as well as the grand launch of the new Wellness Series massage chair, S6 Plus 8-Hands Wellness Chair, a testimonial sharing session by Simon Yam, and a meet and greet with his fans. The ceremony was effectively ended, and the media and attendees were led to the refreshment area.

GINTELL management, ambassadors (Simon Yam, Amber Chia, and Dato' Seri Master Chris Leong), Pavilion KL management, and representatives of the media were among those in attendance.

Furthermore, GINTELL's roadshow will be open from July 3rd to July 16th, 10am to 10pm. Massage chairs, treadmills, and other items are on display.


GINTELL has been in business since 1996 and aspires to be the top provider of healthcare in the rapidly increasing market. GINTELL has been accredited by Malaysia Book of Records as the Largest Healthcare Product Chain in Malaysia since 2015, with over 117 retail stores nationally. In 2021, GINTELL is also recognised twice by the Malaysia Book of Records as having sold the most massage chairs and treadmills in Malaysia. Keeping with its brand's core value of 'Health, Love, Life,' GINTELL strives to provide the best possible outcome to all consumers through their healthcare goods in order to realise their purpose of "1 HOME, 1 GINTELL."


Wellness Chair GINTELL S6 Plus 8-Hands

The GINTELL S6 Plus, 8-Hands Wellness Chair replaces the GINTELL S6 Wellness SuperChAiR. It is the first massage chair in the market to include 8-D Twin Rollers, which are separated into two areas and provide accurate spot massage for the upper and lower back for a superior massage experience. It is driven by the newest AI massage technology. The twin rollers provide a similar sensation to four masseuses rubbing the top and lower backs simultaneously, delivering overall relief of body aches.

GINTELL S6 Plus also has the AI Fatigue Bio-Scan system and a massage routine that can be customised based on your current index. Simply place your finger on the biometric scanner for 30 seconds to measure and scan your heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and exhaustion index.

The 230° Thai Stretch is a full-body stretching course included with the GINTELL S6 Plus that has been completely endorsed and consulted by Dato' Seri Master Chris Leong, a famous Tit-Tar Master (bone setting specialist). Because it enhances joint flexibility and mobility, this programme is highly recommended.

The 360° Heat Spa Therapy uses heated airbag compression on the back, waist, calves, and belly. It also incorporates a graphene crossed-over cape-like strap for increased heat absorption. Heat spa therapy relieves overall muscle tension and relaxes abdominal muscles to ease pain from muscle spasms or menstrual cramps.

The GINTELL S6 Plus's Brain Relief Therapy programme is a one-of-a-kind feature designed to improve sleep quality and reduce mental stress. This specialised programme automatically generates a calming ambience throughout the massage by playing moderate and pleasant background music, successfully soothing and relaxing the nerves.

The GINTELL S6 Plus, 8-Hands Wellness Chair has Bluetooth connectivity, allowing customers to connect and control the massage chair from their smartphones using the GINTELL Super App OS application, which is available for download from the Google PlayStore and AppStore.

GINTELL is presenting a special grand launch promotion in connection with the GINTELL S6 Plus, 8-Hands Wellness Chair. The RM14,988 offer is only available for a short time. In general, the retail price will be RM29,988 with a bonus gift worth up to RM8,988. For further information or to place a pre-order, call +60124046033, visit www.gintell.com , or visit your nearest GINTELL showroom.

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅发布会与任达华粉丝见面会

吉隆坡 - 马来西亚和东南亚最大的保健器材连锁店GINTELL迎来了一个值得庆祝的时刻。GINTELL在吉隆坡Pavilion KL购物广场盛大开设了马来西亚第117家分店,位于广场第6层(Lot 6.16.00)。GINTELL店内提供多样化的产品,包括按摩椅、健身器材如跑步机和自行车,以及各种便携式小型按摩器。开业仪式以8个舞狮表演开始,寓意祝福和繁荣。在舞狮表演后,GINTELL品牌大使、GINTELL集团管理层以及Pavilion KL管理层参加了盛大的剪彩仪式,共同迎接好运。

隆重的开业典礼之后,嘉宾们在舞狮的引领下前往GINTELL展销会,共同见证GINTELL与国际巨星任达华(Simon Yam)的品牌续约仪式,同时也举行了新的养身按摩椅系列——GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅的新品发布会。任达华在现场与粉丝和观众分享了自己的养身之道,并与粉丝们一起玩游戏、赠送礼品。活动圆满结束后,媒体和嘉宾们被邀请到餐厅聚餐,为这次活动画上圆满的句号。

同时,GINTELL的展销会位于Pavilion KL购物广场的中央广场,将从2023年7月3日持续至7月16日,每天上午10点至晚上10点。这将是一个不容错过的盛大展销会,为您带来难忘的购物体验。


GINTELL成立于1996年,是马来西亚和东南亚最大的保健按摩椅和健身器材市场领导者。在全国和东南亚地区拥有超过117家连锁店,并获得了ISO9001:2015认证。多年来,GINTELL荣获多个国际和马来西亚企业杰出奖项,连续多年入选马来西亚纪录大全,成为马来西亚最大的健康按摩椅和健身器材连锁店。在2021年,GINTELL荣获马来西亚纪录大全中按摩椅和跑步机销量最多的品牌。GINTELL致力于提升顾客的日常生活品质,推广保健和健康生活,并秉持品牌的核心价值观:“健康,爱,生活”。所有产品都专注于关心顾客及其家人的健康,并致力于通过其产品为每个人提供更好、更健康的生活方式。实现他们的使命:“1 HOME 1 GINTELL”。

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅 

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅是GINTELL S6超能养身椅的全新升级版,也是首款拥有最新AI智能科技的按摩椅。该按摩椅具备8D双机芯按摩功能(神奇8手按摩),其AI智能科技的独特之处在于让您感受到仿佛有4位按摩师和8只按摩手同时为您全身进行按摩,包括手部、肩部、背部和臂部,意味着您可以享受全面而彻底的按摩体验。

此外,GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅还拥有独家的AI生物疲劳扫描技术。其生物扫描(Bio-Senses)系统可以扫描和测量您的心率、血氧和疲劳指数,只需在拇指面板上触摸30秒,即可根据您的当前指数定制适合您的按摩程序。

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅还具备首创的360°石墨烯热疗功能,可以加热背部、腰部和小腿等身体部位的气囊。360°热疗功能利用石墨烯发热,其原理类似红外光波,能够渗透皮肤促进血液循环和新陈代谢,增加疗效,这也是全马来西亚首创的功能。此外,它还有一个交叉的斗篷状带子,可以覆盖在腹部并进行加热,有助于缓解全身肌肉紧张、放松腹部肌肉,并缓解肌肉痉挛或经期引起的疼痛等。

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅还引以为傲的是其著名的230°泰式伸展功能,这项功能由马来西亚著名的师傅拿督斯里梁润江研发。它不仅可以帮助用户进行轻微的伸展运动,还可以放松关节、改善身体协调性和灵活性。

此外,GINTELL S6 Plus还具有脑部舒缓疗法,可以提高睡眠质量和缓解心理压力。该疗法在按摩过程中播放轻柔舒缓的背景音乐,营造出宁静的氛围,有效舒缓和放松神经。

GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅内置蓝牙连接功能,能够与智能手机实现无缝连接,通过GINTELL Super App OS应用程序轻松控制按摩椅,为用户带来前所未有的便利和智能体验。该应用程序可轻松从Google PlayStore和AppStore下载。

为庆祝GINTELL S6 Plus八手养身椅的新品发布,GINTELL推出了特别促销活动,享受高达55%的折扣。这个优惠仅限于Pavilion KL展销会,原价29,988令吉的按摩椅现在仅需14,988马来西亚令吉,并附赠价值高达8,988令吉的礼品。如需进一步咨询,请致电+6012-404 6033,亲临您附近的GINTELL展厅或浏览www.gintell.com网站以获取更多详情

Keywords: #GINTELL #S6Plus #八手养身椅 #新品发布 #按摩椅 #健康生活 #优惠活动 #特别促销 #PavilionKL #展销会 #任达华 #粉丝见面会

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Published by WLJack. 

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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